About us

Our Story

Dr. Rafael Davalos, one of our inventors at Virginia Tech (VT), found that with currently existing technologies, he was unable to separate different kinds of cancer cells found in tumors. He was particularly interested in cancer stem cells (CSCs) which can be responsible for cancer recurrence. So he set about inventing a new technology that can rapidly sort and recover different cell types, including CSCs, to investigate disease understanding, therapy selections, and drug development. Mr. Leo Harris, a VT alum, came on as a co-founder, and their partnership laid the foundation for CytoRecovery. Since then, the expanding team has been prototyping and building our commercial-grade product system.

We are bringing to market advanced microfluidic technology to enable cell biologists and other life science researchers to rapidly sort, enrich, and recover rare, homogeneous, viable cell subpopulations from tissue, blood and other biological samples. Our exclusively licensed technologies were invented at Virginia Tech and the University of Virginia, bringing together a cross-commonwealth collaboration.

Who we are

CytoRecovery's diverse and dynamic team brings together scientific expertise & business acumen to further precision technologies for the future of personalized medicine.

Board of Directors

Steve Turner

James Ramey, JD
Board Member

Vinod Chachra, PhD
Board Member

Bob Creeden
Board Member

Our Team

Alex Hyler, PhD

Dean Thomas
Lab Director

Kyle Brown
Manufacturing Manager

Kyle Kinskie
Biomedical Engineer

Ella Fitzgerald
Biomedical Research Intern

Laila Campbell
Biomedical Research Intern

Morgan Peterson
Biomedical Research Intern

Scientific Advisory Board

Rafael Davalos, PhD
Georgia Tech

Eva Schmelz, PhD
Virginia Tech

Our Location

We are located at the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center.

1872 Pratt Drive, Suite 1350

Blacksburg, Virginia 24060


Call us at 540-961-7871